VoIP Call Features

Three Way Calling. Ring Back. Caller Display.

Many customers told us that that VoIP call features help them run their businesses even more effectively, so we decided to pull them all together into one Xtra value package – Call Features Xtra.

Caller Display

Caller Display shows the number of the person calling you – so you can decide whether to pick up or not.

It’s already set up on your phone, and works automatically on appropriate handsets. Please note that some numbers from certain switchboards won’t display.

Three Way Calling

Three Way Calling allows you to speak to two people simultaneously.

To set up:

  1. Dial first number.
  2. Press ‘Recall’ and wait for dial tone.
  3. Dial second number.
  4. When answered press ‘Recall’ and wait for dial tone.
  5. Press ‘3’ to connect all three people.
  6. To end, just hang up.

Ring Back

Ring Back eliminates the frustration of having to keep re-dialling an engaged number. If you make a call to an engaged number, just dial ‘5’ and you’ll receive a call when the number is no longer engaged.

To set up:

  1. When you hear an engaged tone, press 5.
  2. Wait to hear a message that Ring Back has been confirmed.
  3. Return the handset and wait – the network will monitor the busy number for up to 45 minutes.
  4. Your phone will ring with a distinctive tone when the number is free.
  5. Please note, Ring Back does not work on international calls.

To add Call Features Xtra to your phone package call us on 0344 880 7777.

If you don’t require any of these call features, you can opt out at any time by calling 0344 880 7777.